Biology Experiment

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Biology Experiment Prediction The temperature I thought the experiment would work best at is 37 c. I think this because your body temperature is 37oC and it is same as cows. Rennin is from a cow and that is what we used. Rennin is an enzyme and it is affected by temperature. Theory The lock and key theoryis simply a way of describing how specific an enzyme is for its substrate. Just like a lock requires a specifically shaped key for it to work so does an enzyme. Each enzyme is a protein which is a polypeptide chain folded into a complex 3 dimensional structure. Part of that structure contains the active site which is where the enzyme can bind to the substrate on which it will perform some chemical reaction. Because each enzyme performs a specific task on a specific substrate the active centre of the enzyme can be considered to be the "lock" which requires the specific "key" or substrate to perform the function. [IMAGE] Collision theory is when two chemicals react; their molecules have to collide with each other with sufficient energy for the reaction to take place. This is collision theory. You can speed up the reaction by rising the temperature. A successful collision may require that the two molecules or species must collide with the correct collision geometry, that is, be oriented in just the correct fashion so that certain atoms will encounter each other during the collision. It is similar to saying that when putting a piece into a jigsaw puzzle, you can't just put it in any way you want.... the piece will only fit successfully if it is the right side up and is turned with the correct orientation so that the projections and indentations match up .... That is, it must have the correct "collision geometry". What enzymes are? · All made in living cells. · All made of protein. · If they get too hot they denature (50-55). · The speed up reactions - and do not get used up - Catalysts

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