Biological Space Suits Summary

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Richard Preston beings his enthralling and gory non-fiction story in western Kenya where a lonely Frenchmen by the name of Charles Monet comes down with a mysterious and lethal virus. The author immediately fills readers with a fear of the unknown. Especially the unknown pathogen that has potential to end lives. Throughout the first half of this non-fiction thriller, numerous violent accounts of those who succumbed to the infection and close calls of those who work closely with the virus are described in stomach churning detail. Professionals such as Nancy Jaax and Eugene Johnson at the USAMRIID spend their day testing and investigating viruses such as Ebola under the safety of their 'Biological Space Suits'. When perhaps the most dangerous …show more content…

He then calls civilian virologist Peter Jahrling to examine infected blood. The team at USAMRIID begins to grow the virus in test tubes filled with monkey cells to watch the effects of the virus on the cells. One morning during the incubation process intern Tom Geisbert checks on the progress when he notices the cells are puffy, dying, and full of black specks. Speculating a possible bacterial contamination,Tom and Peter Jahrling whiff the tube in order to detect a specific odor associated with the bacteria. After further inspection it is believed to be the same strain of Marburg that Peter Cardinal harbored. Currently in the novel a quiet panic has erupted between Tom Geisbert and Peter Jahrling, along colonel C.J Peters who has been alerted of the potentially potent situation lying at their fingertips. As I began to read and become interested in the Hot Zone I couldn't help but feel a familiarity with what I was reading. Aside from the devastatingly vast outbreak of Ebola in 2014, the subject was a stranger to me. It then occurred to me that I had previously viewed the movie Outbreak in a Science

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