Biography Of Dolly Parton: The First Stage Of Psychosocial Development

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In the first stage of psychosocial development, children from day one (birth) to 18 months will experience the basic “trust versus mistrust.” This stage involves children establishing a sense of trust with the world and those around them, all dependent on the care and attention they receive from their caregivers. If a child’s needs are consistently met, he or she will begin to develop trust that will also determine how well he trusts people and things later in life. If the child’s needs are not met, he or she could develop a belief that the world is inconsistent and unpredictable. Dolly Parton was the fourth child of twelve, born to two loving and supportive parents. Although not much information is given on the parents’ level of care for Dolly, books and interviews of Dolly constantly bring up the fact that the family was poor and despite that, they had a great sense of community and love amongst each other. Dolly quotes, “I had a good momma and a good daddy, and you know when you have that you’re gonna …show more content…

Dolly’s mother, Avie Lee Parton, worked in the house, doing motherly chores but also being fun-loving and playing with the children as much as she could. Because of …show more content…

It is also said that before Dolly began school, she was already coming up with melodies to songs she had invented. In this stage of development, Dolly showed control over things she liked; her imagination and need for self-expression even led her to start wearing make-up on her own, despite her parents always disapproving it. Dolly was autonomous, and continued to remain that way by the fact that she would make her own choices of style and expressed her passions so openly. Dolly came to love music from small sing-alongs with her family and at her church; and from that love came a deeper connection that Dolly made known from the moment she felt

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