Binge Drinking: A Conversation Analysis

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Ding Ding Ding
Its time for school,
Time to get dressed,
Sit at your desk,
Get stressed,
With the rest,
Time to take a test.

More than a 16-year quest
Allow me to fill you in with the rest

What is school for?
Now please,
I know how privileged I am
To have a right to free education
As a American Citizen I do pledge allegiance

But what is school for?
Telling us that the A-C-T and the S-A-T
Is who you’ll be,
And all we see is just a number

What are you trying to do with these standardized tests?
You are teaching us to be nothing but standard,
Average, un-remarkable, is that the goal?
To create a global world with standardization?

A simplification of individualization
Please someone I bed you, bring a revolution to this institution
An …show more content…

With a head full facts
We are soon to forget
Remember Biology?
No we majored in Loan payments and red solo cups
Remember French History
No you majored in frat parties
With a minor in no real world experience

A way of keeping score to ensure that the door way
Of opportunity is wide open so long as you
Keep you hand up high and your mouth closed

Please don’t misunderstand me
I am not saying school and colleges are a bad thing
But what is it for
Is it about making the grade
Or learning to make a difference
Is it about being gifted
Or learning what your gift is

This dictionary defines education as
The process of receiving systematic information
I hate that because regardless of how you treat kids,
Children are not numbers
You cannot set them in a simple system that can
Consistently set everyone to be the same
In a setting that set forth by industrialists 100 years’ go
Teaching factory workers to be

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