Billy Collins Allusion

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In the poem “The Names”, Billy Collins elaborates names throughout the night. Collins is illustrating people that died in the tragedy of September 11, 2001. This poem is complex, which is illustrated through personification, allusion, and imagery.
Collins use of personification is giving the night a human feature, to show complexity. The complexity of this poem is started off with, “palm of the night,” (1294). This quote shows that it’s the middle of the night, but it’s more complex due to the deeper meaning. The palm of a hand is in the middle of the hand, so when Collins says, “palm of the night,” (1294) which means this tragedy is waking him up in the middle of the night. There is some use of personification that can be unclear. “Names falling into place,” (1294) is another example of personification that Collins uses, but it is unclear because without reading the paragraph before the poem a reader would not know whose names are falling. Therefore, this quote is unclear to the reader. These quotes are illustrated by personification in order to show the complexity in this poem. …show more content…

With Collins saying, “names printed on the ceiling,” (1294) it can be shown to be the ceiling in the room, but is it to show that maybe it’s the ceiling of the World Trade Centers that he’s seeing these names on as the buildings are falling. This quote carries different meanings. As well as, “names printed in the pale blue sky,” (1295) the allusion of this quote could be the next day and seeing the names or does he mean the day the tragedy happened as if he was standing there and saw the buildings fall and he is thinking of all that were in them. The allusions show to carry on the complexity due to deeper or different meanings within the

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