Bilbo Baggins Definition Of A Hero

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Hobbit Composition
[At the beginning of the year you considered the definition of a hero. Use the Hobbit to discuss whether or not Bilbo meets your original definition of a hero as defined by Beowulf, The Knight’s tale, and Sir Gawain.] The original definition of a hero as defined by Beowulf, The Knight’s Tale from Canterbury Tales, and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight was “a person who is admired for great or brave acts or fine qualities.” This definition was acquired by looking at the characteristics that make up each of the heroes from the previously listed stories; and by looking at what they had in common, or what tied the different heroes together. The characteristics that collectively made up these people included fearlessness, integrity, and dutifulness. Bilbo Baggins is the hero of The Hobbit, but it has not yet been decided if he meets the original definition of a hero. To determine if Bilbo is a hero, his characteristics will be compared to the qualities that make up a hero. His traits will not be compared to the specific examples that went into the definition, but to the general attributes that inclusively make up heroes. Then it will be discussed whether or not he qualifies as an example of the definition. …show more content…

He is friendly and generous when the dwarves invade his home. Bilbo’s decision to give the Elvenking a necklace in thanks for the food that he stole while hiding in the castle shows that he is serious about honor and honesty. As many of the other people in his quest became corrupted by greed, he maintains his eagerness to please, common sense, and courage. At the beginning of the novel Bilbo is mainly complacent, cautious, and respectable, but towards the end he is primarily brave, adventurous, and cunning. Perhaps just as important is that he did not become arrogant or relinquish his

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