Bilbo Short Story

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Bilbo started as the nervous & annoyed host. He is hobbit, & his folk are reserved, but kind & carefree. Hobbits love to accommodate company when the time arrives, but this night Bilbo was in a ruck. Spontaneously, 13 dwarves & Gandalf tediously trickled through is door in groups & demanded dinner. Bilbo was not expecting these unknown & unplanned visitors, especially the grand total of 14! They ate & sang all night, while little time was devoted to business, which was planned that night. Bilbo was exhausted, unpleased, & unaffiliated with the pressing event they gathered to discuss. He was only aware that Gandalf selected him to be the Burglar of the party, which just so happened to be a vast journey across Middle-Earth. Undenounced …show more content…

Taking on battles or time sensitive mysteries, which result in victory, have lead them to a world renowned title as ‘hero.’ Why? For their actions either saved, stopped, conquered, or won a trial they met. This gives the hero fame for a public service, but not the authenticity & true honor of being a personal hero. For a child, they look up & see their mother & father as heroes. A child sees their parents as unstoppable, all knowing, powerful, & energetic playmates. Their hero loves them wholeheartedly & is a tremendous amount fun. Unknown to the child, the parents have sacrificed & transformed their life to raise their beloved child. Bilbo began a journey that altered the course of his life. The encounters stretched, pounded, & molded him into a new Hobbit. As the signed Burglar, he was required to deal with Smaug when the time arrived, however, the journey wasn’t a leisure stroll down the boardwalk. Once Bilbo adventured home, he was given loads of time to reflect on his wonderful tale. He faced & defeated some nasty & perilous encounters, but at the peak of the story, Bilbo triggers the awakening of Smaug, which leads to the ruin of Lake-Town. During the battle, he is unconscious & plays no role in securing the Mountain. Thus, Bilbo had more heroic qualities during the journey rather than the climax of the adventure. All in all Bilbo doesn’t have the narrative to call himself a true

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