Big Fish Movie Analysis

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Big Fish, a movie by Tim Burton is a story about a father's relationship with his son. The movie sounds simple but it has an unusual way of revealing the plot by skipping back and forth between the current plot and the father's past. All together, Big Fish has a great meaning behind the storyline and tells the story so graphically and beautifully. Big Fish is the story of Edward Bloom, an old man with a wild imagination and his son Will Bloom who don't know what to make of his father because he's not sure what in his father's life that was fact or fiction. Will was crying out for a closer relationship with his father, and he felt that closer relationship was being blocked by stories that his father told. One of the movie's most unforgettable …show more content…

They grow and change with us. They allow us to reconstruct the past, and put our slant on things. They don’t’ always have to make sense, and they don’t all have to be factual. The stories that are being told can be used to learn something about ourselves and what we need to learn in our own lives. Those stories can be transferred from generation to generation. Yes, it maybe a difference in the generations, but a lot of issues we go through as human beings never really change. So these stories can apply for the future as well. Stories in the Bible has those same qualities as the stories Will's father as telling. There are examples of those stories such as the parables that Jesus told. Those stories gave hope, strengthen faith and taught lessons that are carried into today's life. Big Fish is a film that teaches many lessons and is also an entertaining adventure, but the main focus of the film is the power of storytelling. I believe that storytelling is something that as a child, I benefited from and that future generations should use to get through this big puzzle called life. The movie will make you appreciate the next time you're being told a story, and probably will make you pay attention more to that same story. You might learn something new if you listen hard

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