Big Fish Father Son Relationship

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Big Fish is a movie about a father with a seemingly vast imagination and a son who is very hesitant to believe a word his father says. Throughout the film, the viewers are exposed to how the two protagonists’ personalities clash. The movie is based on the father, Edward Bloom, and his “tale tales” that everyone except for his son, William, seem to believe. With the gradual realization that he only knows his father based on the stories he tells, Will becomes infuriated when his father makes his stories the subject of their lives. The fallout and eventual mending of a relationship between a father and son in the film Big Fish evaluates the line between fact and fiction with the correlation of time.
The film opens with Edward telling Will one …show more content…

She’s always tolerated her husband’s stories, possibly because she was able to find the truth in them. Some of Edwards’s stories involving his wife are clearly factual, but at the same time, it’s difficult to separate the fictional aspects. Edward tells Will stories that he’s heard many times before but is willing to listen to not hurt his father. Throughout the rest of the film, Edward narrates and tells his stories which, to me, seem completely make believe. Sadly Edwards’s body only gets weaker and he is checked into a hospital. At the hospital, Will is the only person in the room with his father. After waking up appearing to be in slight shock, Edward tells his son to tell him the story about how he passes. At this moment I realized the purpose of why Edward seemed content with the image of his death in the witch’s eye. For the first time in a long time, Will would find some amount of comfort in the stories his father once told considering that now it’s his job to make his father happy before his inevitable death. Part of Williams’s story is a summarization of the characters from his father’s tales. At the end of Will’s story, he takes his father to the river where everyone from his father’s stories is there and happy to send him off. Will carries his father into the water where his mother is waiting. He tosses her his gold wedding ring and is then carried further into the river by his

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