Biblical Manhood Paper

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Biblical Manhood Paper
What does Biblical manhood look like? Who is he? How is he defined? Where can I find him? Does he still exist? These are just a few of the questions I am asking myself in my search for Biblical manhood. There are numerous components that describe Biblical manhood, such as; Godly men, Bearer of the fruits of the Spirit, Priest of the home, Provider of the family, and Chief intercessor for the family. Throughout this paper, I will cover most of these crucial topics and show you what Scripture has to say about the key components.
Godly men
One cannot look like a Biblical man without first being Godly. And to be Godly, one must seek God in all things. Matthew 6:33 ESV states, “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, …show more content…

I would list these traits because they are all the things Christ wants to see in the man. They will help him be a man, lead, “be the primary communicator of Biblical truth in the home” (Workshop 1, p. 4), in marriage, and in the church. The opposite is true of the worlds view of manhood; hate, sadness, rage, evil, harshness, and out-of-control.
Priest of the Home
The priest is an example of Christ for the man; How to love his bride, how to lead, and be obedient to God the Father. “Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ. Now I commend you because you remember me in everything and maintain the traditions even as I delivered them to you. But I want you to understand that the head of every man is Christ, the head of a wife is her husband, and the head of Christ is God” (I Cor. 11:1-3 ESV). In an article written by Jason Allen, he stresses the importance of training Biblical manhood in the churches by saying this:
There is a defined role of leadership, authority, and protection men in the church must play. For them, and their roles, there is no substitute. When they are absent from the call of duty, disaster follows. That is why the church must work to strengthen its men and seek to cultivate biblical …show more content…

My husband is a good example of this trait, not only does he provide for our family, but if our extended family is in need, he will provide for them as well. Not everyone has this quality. The contrast of the word would be many do not provide for their own, they expect the government to do it for them. Men do not want to work, many just want a hand out. “When a man doesn’t work and provide for his family, he feels a sense of shame. His self-worth sinks” (Rainey 2015, para.8). This is not how God intended it to be. Most of His disciples were fisherman. Is there not a saying that states “if you teach a man to fish, he will never go hungry.” Our country needs to get back this type of

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