Biblical Allusions In Parker's Back By Flannery O Connor

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“Parker’s Back” by Flannery O’Conner, has many biblical allusions. The story of “Parker’s Back” describes a man’s unsatisfied life. At the age of fourteen Park inspired by a tattooed man at the fair. “Parker has never before felt the least motion of wonder in himself” when he saw the man with “breast and flower” tattoo (O’Connor 572). The “breast and flower,” “a single intricate design of brilliant color” represents the Garden of Eden (572). Parker assumed tattoos will make him happy, however, he never satisfies with his tattoos. The story of Adam and Eve symbolize the Biblical allusion of dissatisfaction. Adam and Eve’s dissatisfaction lead them to commit sin, as a result “he drove the man out” of the Garden of Eden (Gen.3). Parker also discontents

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