Best Conditions for Amylase to Digest Starch

374 Words1 Page

Best Conditions for Amylase to Digest Starch


In this experiment I am trying to find the best conditions for amylase

to digest starch. I am going to vary the PH from PH6 to PH9 to see

which one digests starch the fastest. This will show which PH enzymes

will work best in. I will put 3cm³ of amylase, 1cm³ of starch and 1cm³

of buffer to each test tube. I will heat them in a water bath to 40º.

I will then every 2 minutes test the solution for starch using iodine.


I predict that amylase will digest fastest at PH7 because it is the

same PH as inside your mouth wear enzymes would be digested.


Test Tubes

Test Tube Rack

Stop Watch





Buffer-PH6, PH7, PH8, PH9

Dimple Tray

Preliminary Tests:

I will use these tests to see whether I need to change my amounts of

starch, amylase and buffer or the times when I measure the solution.


Time(mins) Is Starch Present

1 Yes

2 Yes

3 Yes

4 Yes

5 Yes

6 Yes

7 Yes

[IMAGE] 8 Yes

9 Yes

10 Yes

11 No

The experiment was taking too long so we changed the time when we

measured the solution to 2 minutes rather than 1.


We first tested PH6:


Time(mins) Is Starch Present


2 Yes

4 Yes

6 Yes

8 Yes

10 Yes

12 Yes

14 Yes

16 Yes

18 Yes

20 Yes

22 Yes

24 Yes

26 Yes

28 Yes

30 Yes

32 No

PH6 took 32 minutes to digest the starch.



Time(mins) Is Starch Present

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