Bernini's David Michelangelo Analysis

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David, a young Israelite teenager, is a character from a Biblical story who defeats and kills Goliath, a giant Philistine warrior, with a stone. The story shows how a young man overcomes oppositions and is a popular subject among various artists. David was famously depicted by Michelangelo and Bernini, who both used marble to create their statues. Both Michelangelo’s David and Bernini’s David statues are positioned in contrapposto, the asymmetrical positioning of the human form where all the weight of the form is positioned on one foot resulting in a curving of the torso and no alignment in the shoulders. Each figure also shows emotion and tension in their faces and body. Although they both chose David as the subject matter, the way they portray David differs stylistically, when they were made and the purpose of the works.
The first difference between Michelangelo’s David and Bernini’s David is the stylistic characteristics. Michelangelo created David from 1501-1504 during the High Renaissance period. …show more content…

Michelangelo was commissioned to build the statue for the establishment of a new republic in Florence, Italy. Michelangelo’s David shows the ideals of the male nude. His statue was meant to be looked at, and admired. The physical proportions of David are highly idealized and sought after. He isn’t fazed by Goliath and is so calm even when he knows he is going to fight him. Unlike Michelangelo, Bernini’s David is more about showing the action of the figure. Specifically, he is shown in action with his dramatized physical arrangement and exaggerated facial expressions. His muscles are shown as working really hard and there is so much tension in the sculpture, the viewer is more focused on what is happening than what David really looks like. While Michelangelo’s David focuses on the statue’s physical form, Bernini’s David focuses on the action of the

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