Berkley's Motivation In Henrico Schools

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Berkley and his mother met for the DD Waiver Intake at the Woodman Office. Berkley is 6 year old and has been placed in 6 different day cares and elementary schools for the past 2 years. Danielle (mother) explained at home Berkley doesn't display the same behaviors he does at school. Berkley has bitten and kicked teachers and at the last school he bit the principal. Berkley was well behaved during the intake as he played on the floor with the toys and after some prompted he sat down and completed the screening worksheet with some defiance. Danielle explained that in school he has gotten away with not doing school work. He recently spent 8 days at VTTT. Henrico Schools changed his IEP so he can go to a specialized school so after the DD Waiver

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