Essay On Beowulf's Superego

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implications. In a metaphorical sense, it is as if Beowulf exploited Grendel’s mother’s “private spot” and she was unsuccessful in thrusting her body against his. At this stage, Beowulf is learning to be more conventional in his efforts for long term betterment versus short term thrill. In the last and final phase of the sequence, according to Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theory of personality, the Superego is the component of personality composed of our internalized ideals that we have acquired from our parents and from society. The Superego works to suppress the urges of the id, and tries to make the ego behave morally, rather than realistically (Friedman). The fight with the dragon is the ultimate test of Beowulf’s maturity. Beowulf grew …show more content…

This last encounter was destined to define his lasting legacy. He lived as a warrior; it was only natural that he should die as one as well, he hopes to go down in a fiery blaze of glory, pun intended. At this point in time, Beowulf is a seventy-year-old king, he knows he is mortal and isn’t going to live forever. Nevertheless, even as an old man, it was his duty to protect and defend his subjects until the death. Towards the end Beowulf’s death looms closer and it seems like he foreshadows that he is prepared to meet his maker. “When I meet the cave guard: what occurs on the wall, between the two of us will turn out as fate, overseer of men, decides. I am resolved. I scorn further words against this sky-borne foe” (Heaney 2525-2528). Beowulf’s maturity has blossomed to its utmost peak, ironically right before he is laid to rest in the valley of death that is Beowulf’s Barrow. His endeavors throughout this long journey have brought him wisdom and enlightenment. Since the beginning, he has rapidly progressed over time, especially since evolving from his role as a warrior to a king. Initially, Beowulf was insatiable with pleasure seeking activities, but then he

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