Benefits Of Universal Health Care

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Resolution: The US should implement universal health care. The US should not implement universal health care for a variety of reasons. Health care should be an option to citizens, and it is not a right. Universal health care in the US will hurt the population and their future posterior. Young healthy people are going to carry the burden of health care. Profit motives, competition, and individual ingenuity have always led to greater cost control and effectiveness. Less students will want to pursue a profession in the medical field. Healthcare is going to cost America billions of dollars. First, mandatory Health Insurance is not something I agree with nor do the majority of Americans. 67% of Americans describe the US healthcare as being in a state of crisis or having major problems. They believe in personal responsibility and freedom of choice. The government has no right to interfere in the personal lives of the individuals. If a person elects to not carry health insurance, that burden is theirs to bear. It is a human right that no one be subject to medical treatment without their consent and it is nothing more than theft to force someone who has no desire to seek medical treatment to carry Health Insurance. However, health care is NOT a right. Individuals have a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. It follows that rights are the rights to action, not rewards from other people. The idea of health care as a “right” is irreconcilable with the right to the fruits of one’s own labor and with the right to Liberty. The right to life, e.g., does not mean that your neighbors have to feed and clothe you; it means you have the right to earn your food and clothes yourself, if necessary by a hard struggle, and that no one ... ... middle of paper ... ... process will start all over again. This system is severely flawed. The US is already 17 trillion dollars in debt In conclusion, blah blah recapness. Random Argument: My opponents argue that car insurance in required so why shouldn’t healthcare be required. However, car insurance is required because you can crash into another car and you have to pay for it. Bad health never directly caused another citizen damages. Allowing the government to mandate healthcare opens the door to the government to mandate life insurance, accident insurance, Gap insurance, burial insurance, and more. If this country follows this route, the US will become socialist state. We need to stop ObamaCare in its roots. The cost to insure 48 million Americans is having more than 100 million people lose their health insurance because their insurance does not comply to Obama Care regulations.

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