Benefits Of Stay-At-Home Mothers

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Have you ever wondered if children who were raised by stay-at-home moms have any differences than children who had working moms? Well actually there are many differences that you may not think of. Children of stay-at-home moms tend to have a better relationship with the parent than children who are not. Studies show that children of stay-at-home moms have a better education in today's society. Cohn and Caumont state that "stay-at-home mothers are younger, poorer and less- educated than their working counterparts" (Cohn and Caumont) meaning that young mothers do not usually think about the effects of having a child at a young age have in the long run. Typically, mothers who had children at a young age tend to be stay-at-home moms. Mothers who go to work usually are more educated and are more successful than their non-working counterparts. Galley states that "Stay-at-home mothers spend more time on child care, housework, leisure, and sleep than do …show more content…

When Galley was studying about stay-at-home moms with lower education levels, he states that "In addition, stay-at-home mothers have lower levels of education attainment and are more likely than working mothers to be living in poverty" (Galley). Mothers with lower education find it harder to get avoid paying job in order to provide for her kid and herself so they either do not work or have a part-time job. If they do have a part-time job, then they would have to find someone to take care of their kid and be able to pay them. Although "Housewives Makes" does not have an author, it states that "Some of the sacrifices we make are for our children and sometimes our children is what we sacrifice to make a living in this tough world" (Housewives Make) meaning that parents sacrifice basically everything for their children. Many sacrifices mothers make are to make sure their kid has a good life. Many mothers who had children at a young age want to go back to school to

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