Benefits Of Prison In Prison

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Each year the U.S spends billions of dollars to keep federal inmates behind bars. Nearly half of these federal inmates are convicted of drug abuse, and a vast majority of the ones convicted are low-level nonviolent criminals. Keeping these low-level criminals in jail is expensive, and it’s not very helpful because many of them end up going back to jail with higher drug charges. We as a society need to recognize that addiction is worthy of medical help and not just a crime that deserves punishment. Hey, I’m tori smith and today I 'm going to discuss the benefits of using a rehab facility instead of jail for these criminals. a. Before I can start I must go back to when this all began. On May 8, 1973, the “Rockefeller drug laws” were adopted. These are the …show more content…

Through the years the mandatory sentencing for drug offenders has lowered to at least 10 years it varies by the state. Even though it 's shorter than previous years it is still a long time to send someone to jail without a guaranteed promise that they will get better in the end. On Prison website it is quoted that “two decades after the enactment of the mandatory sentences, these laws have failed to deter people from using or selling drugs. c. This is because many substance abusers are addicted to the drugs and even though you send them away when they are free they still may be addicted so they end up relapsing back into the same issues. so now the big question is “How is sending criminals to rehab more money conscious than jail?” II. As I said before America spends billions of dollars to keep up with the growing number of inmates in federal prisons. According to if only 10 percent of drug abuse offenders went to rehab instead of jail. The U.S would save 4.8 billion dollars now this is a big difference compared to their current costs. a. And if 40 percent of offenders would be eligible for this treatment then we would scrape off a total of 13 billion we

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