Belgium Imperialism Essay

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Belgium Script


Imperialism within Africa was not uncommon for the settlers within the deserts. Ruling from Europe, and colonization of the tribes within Africa is actually quite common. Belgium in specific played a big role in the colonization and imperialism of Africa, more specifically, the Congo. The Congo was taken under Belgian control in 1885, and was a dark part of the history of the Congo. The arising issue of I imperialism led to many seeking opportunity to overpower others. This cause led to the call of an international conference. With Belgium’s way with policies it’s clearly shown that they weren’t in agreement to how imperialism was starting to affect overall.

Causes and Effects on Imperialism

The cause of imperialism was all because of many national rulers having tried to claim power over most or all power over a whole country. The need to control a whole country and change it to their ways lead to many separation of races and land. Most races were kicked out to another part of the country in order to recreate the ideal society run by one with much power over all. Imperialism lead to affect authority over certain land areas and the control of the people. As every ruler that intended to imperialize a country they …show more content…

This enacted the king to exploit the natives of the land for money. This often ended up with them being beaten and mistreated. In 1908 the power over the Congo switched from the King, to the government. This led to better treatment, but still did not allow the people of the Congo to have a say in what happens or the laws within their own homes. In 1960 rebellion began in Thysville. This quickly spread to other parts of the Congo. Prime Minister Lumumba, the then leader of the ruling say within the Congo was brutally and publicly murdered. This allowed June 30th, 1960 to be the formal Independence

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