Being In Debt Essay

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Being in Debt It is undeniable that money is important to a large number of people. Some can effective use and manage money, but some do not. The people who are incapable of controlling their spending finally are in arrears of rent and credit card. “The more you want, the more you become in debt” this sentence should always be in your mind when you want something unnecessary. Moreover, some people afford money and spend it as soon as they earn. This problem also brings them to situation which they cannot pay their bills or fundamental things and end up with debts. To solve these troubles, the debt people should avoid credit card or use it wisely, make a budget and cut off unnecessary things. The first solution for getting out of debt is to keep away from credit card or use it wisely. Credit card is important when you have to pay now, but do not have any cash. It is possible that debt people think credit cards are the cash because credit cards allow them to spend money they do not have. Therefore, they use credit cards without considering and cannot pay back. If they cannot pay back, they have to pay fees including the money they still owe. Some debt people pay back late, so fees is increased and they must pay more than their spending. That makes them …show more content…

It is difficult to notice and understand how much money you have and spend on one day. Therefore, budgeting is the best way to know your currency. It helps you organize your spending and savings. For example, you segment your budget into two parts which are spending and saving. Then, start recoding and in one day you can know what you spend for and how much money left. You can limit your spending and start to save money now. Besides, when you make your budget every day, you tend to be more systematic and spend money more carefully. Because you see how much money you earn, spend and save. It becomes a good habit that prevents you from any

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