Beeline Cause And Effect Essay

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Cause and Effect: Making a Beeline Everyone you meet has a fear of something, whether that's spiders, heights, deep ocean, or dying. One common fear is of confrontation, even though it might not bite you like a spider, or drag you down into the deep depths, it is a legitimate fear for many. The truth is that people would rather run from their problems than face them directly, I’ve never heard someone say that they love confrontation because it’s natural to avoid it. Running from your problems isn’t the best option and it can be due to personal issues that people feel the need to avoid facing their issues. Avoiding your problems could be because of the way you are brought up. I have always been afraid of confrontation and whenever I am put in a situation where I am facing someone about some issue, my first resort is to cry even when my mind is thinking they’re just trying to help you, or this is for the best. One could trace this back to my upbringing, with a father that would yell for means of communication, leaving me to go hide in my room. Without myself knowing it, those …show more content…

I run into this problem a fair amount, I never want to hurt anyone’s feelings or cause them to dislike me because of something I said. However, when you are thrown into a heat of the moment discussion you can say something that they don't like and you know that if you were to have avoided this problem then they would still like you. Even if the confrontation was treated calmly and respectfully, the other person may have been aggravated by what was being said at them. It's especially scary when you must face this problem against a group of people. You no longer have a one on one scenario, now you must face multiple people that are all on the same side and could all not like you

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