Beedem Law Case

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Individuals that are or have become disabled due to a variety of factors can face additional obstacles when trying to attain the benefits that are due to them as a result of their disability. Compensation for disabled individuals can include Social Security Disability (SSD) or Social Security Insurance (SSI). These benefits are meant to supplement the incomes of people whose lives have been altered by medical factors and whose lives can hinge upon receiving these important financial benefits. While it might be tempting to file a disability claim on your own, or you might be easily confused by the vast array of disability attorneys that advertise their specialties, it’s very important that you find a legal professional that you can not only …show more content…

Medical evidence is absolutely the most critical factor to having your claim approved or denied. When disability attorneys at Beedem Law represent a client, they immediately gain an intimate knowledge of each clients personal needs and circumstances. A careful and detailed review of your medical records is completed and additional suggested medical testing or records is noted. These records are then organized appropriately and in a manner that when submitted make the job of the administrative law judges (ALJ’s), they are easily reviewed and require less work on their part. The disability attorneys at Beedem Law offer unparalleled communication skills with medical providers, who are vital to assuring that you attain your benefits. Many physicians are overwhelmed with the paperwork required for healthcare today, and filling out Disability Claims only adds to an often overloaded day. Our disability attorneys can communicate professionally and proficiently with medical professionals, taking the onus of gathering and verifying the massive paperwork needed off of both you and the medical

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