Because I Could Not Stop For Death By Emily Dickinson

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Death is something inevitable and everyone views and deals with death differently. Some of them are scared and some see it naturally. In Emily Dickinson’s “Because I could not stop for Death”, it reveals the poet’s calm acceptance of death. Dickinson even personifies death as a gentleman caller who takes a leisurely carriage ride with her to her grave. However, “I heard a Fly buzz—when I died” also by Emily Dickinson gives a different view of death. It points to a disbelief in heaven or any form of the afterlife. In the other hand, John Donne’s “Death be not proud”, also personifies death and Donne creates an image of death that is not mysterious and is not as powerful as we think. Even though these three poems revolve the same central theme—death, they all have slightly …show more content…

In “Because I could not stop for Death” by Emily Dickinson, death is kind and appealing that it brings her to eternity. In line 3-4, “The Carriage held but just Ourselves – And Immortality.” Dickinson describes death as a person and she travels with him to eternity, where immortality is the passenger. It shows that Dickinson does not think that death is the end of one’s journey and instead, she thinks that it is a journey towards a new beginning. Also, in the second stanza, “We slowly drove – He knew no haste/And I had put away/My labor and my leisure too” Dickinson kind of implies that death is enjoyable as she feels that it is no rush to go wherever they are going and also she gives up work and free time to go with him. So she wants to take her time to enjoy the journey. In her journey, she is thinking back on her life and experiences. For example,

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