Bearded Dragon Essay

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What is a pogona? How big are they? What do they eat? Few people know the answers to these questions. This essay will discuss these questions and more. Lets start with the types and what they are. What is a bearded dragon? A bearded dragon, or pogona, is a type of lizard. There are eight types of pogonas, all different and unique. The two most common bearded dragon species are the Pogona Vitticeps and the Pogona Minor Minor. Bearded dragons now live in the United States. But where did they come from? Why are they called bearded dragons? Where did they come from? Pogonas are often called “bearded dragons” because of the scales around their necks, which resemble a beard. They originated from Australia. They were introduced to the United States in the 1990s. Bearded dragons are found in pet shops across America. A good tip for people who want to buy a bearded dragon is to know how long they can grow. How long are bearded dragons? How old can they get? Bearded dragons are usually around eight inches to one foot long. If they are treated well, they can live up to thirteen years. In the wild they only live about seven years. Bearded dragons can live over thirteen, but only with the right care. One way one can treat them well is by feeding them. …show more content…

Bearded dragons eat animals such as crickets, redworms, and black soldier fly larvae. They can eat fruit such as grapes, blackberries, and peaches. They can eat vegetables such as carrots, raw bell peppers, and celery. Some foods they cannot eat are lettuce, spinach, or avocados. Bearded dragons could get very sick and even die. There are also lots of poisonous items they cannot have. Some of those items are tulips and sweet peas. Bearded dragons can eat lots of foods, but there are also a lot of things they cannot have. They can behave to these foods in many different

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