Batman Good Vs Evil

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Good vs Evil Batman and Joker, light side and dark side, Peter Pan and Captain Hook, Katniss and Snow, Heaven and Hell. What do all these things have in common? There all stories of good vs evil, and ambition is no different. Ambition is a classic story of good vs evil that everyone has gone though. Being ambitious is having the right mind-set. Ambition can be helpful or harmful. Ambition can allow us to strive to our goals, or ambition can control us and cause us to do harmful acts for selfish reasons and cause us to harm the people we love. Ambition is all about how you are and how you act and the people you surrender yourself with. “Good” ambition can help us do whatever we want and strive to accomplished anything we want. Good ambition …show more content…

Bad ambition tries to control us to be greedy and be selfish. Even though we don’t like to say it have all been here, we have all done stuff for ourselves in a selfish way to make us happy. This is normal, we just have to know how to control it and keep ourselves in check. Like good ambition there are stories of people have too much ambition and turned into greed; Adolf Hitler how want to make the world perfect but in his own way, Kim Jong Un who is the most known dictator in the world right now, and finally Jordan Belfort. Most known for the wolf of Wall Street movie, he manipulated stock prices and got caught. He was so greedy and wanted so much that he cheated to get it, he was so ambitious that he wanted everything. No one is a 100 percent bad nor is anyone 100 good but it is how you balance it and how you control …show more content…

Mine is when I was in 3rd grade, I was playing soccer and I really wanted to get on this really good soccer team. So I practiced and practiced so I can make the team but I didn’t. I remember being really sad but my mom said something I will never forget, she said “I proud of you for trying” it does sound like much but this motivated me to try harder. The next year I pushed myself to the limit and I made the team I was so happy that I didn’t stop and I keep trying. This is my ambition story I pushed myself and didn’t stop. I wanted it so bad that I couldn’t stop. Another story is when I was in 7th grade my brother was trying out of a football team. He wanted to start really bad. I saw him try a little but not much then one day he came home sad, and I asked him what is wrong, he said that he’s not trying anymore because he thought a kid was better that him and I told him one thing, I said” why stop, if you put your mind to it you can accomplish anything, if you really like football and want to play, don’t stop.” Then I light a fire in him, he practiced and practiced so hard that he made the team. It amazing to think about how much one thing can change someone’s life. Finally I have one question to ask you guys. How do you want to be when you grow up? When you have a job do you want to be the one striving to be the boss of the company or the one that’s does the same thing day by day, slowly moving up the ladder for years and years? Do

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