Barbecued Husbands: A Literary Analysis

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Gluttony is described as an “excess in eating and drinking” according to American Heritage Dictionary; the Oxford English Dictionary adds that the word may also refer to an excessive desire for food and drink and by a natural extension to many kinds of overindulgence. The story which talks about gluttony is from the book Barbecued Husbands which is a collection of wonderful stories from the Macurap. Barbecued Husbands have many similarities with Greek literature in terms of, myths, fairytales, fables or even some people consider these stories will come as no surprise. Indeed, one of humanity’s shared characteristics is that, wherever it is, it contrives similar narratives as a means to explain and explore its existential predicament. Here heads move of their own desire as in Akarendek, the flying head, or the ravenous wife, shape-shifting is the norm, the inanimate moves and the corporeal and spiritual merge. The woman in Barbecued Husbands had greed of gluttony and for this desire of food she destroys her life and her family, a microcosm of the community. The works like Barbecued Husbands and Dante’s Inferno are often seen as cautionary tales and they expose human weaknesses and strengths, among …show more content…

Like gluttony, this sin is a sin of excess. Its most common form is the excessive love of money, manifested in various forms such as miserliness and unethical business practices. This sin turns the sinner away from God by promoting selfishness, destroying charity, and creating a preoccupation with the acquisition and preservation of material things and possessions. As such this sin blinds the sinner to the fact that material possessions such as gold are worthless compared to the everlasting rewards of heaven. But because the sinner guilty of greed does not see that what he covets the most is worthless, he ignores the treasure and rewards of Heaven and therefore does not follow the right

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