Barbarians: A Fictional Narrative

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“CHARGE!!!” I screamed, as my army of military might chased down the ferocious barbarians. Victory. In my dreams I can control my journey and my destination, my problem and solution or my quest and my triumph. “John!!” yelled the general. “Wake up!!” “John, wake up!!” “Wake up, you have school!!!” That was my mother. sadly. once again, she is drunk and it is possibly the second time this week that my mom “said” that she was going to stop drinking. One way I could always tell if she was intoxicated was by her breath. Slowly. year, by year I smell more often this bitter disgusting scent steaming from her breath. I never really understood why she treasured alcohol it was not sweet or tasty, and it always left her in tears. My father started screaming at the TV, he was looking at …show more content…

“Hello, Sire. i'm sorry to disturb, but I have news of utmost urgency. You need to wake up.” “Why should I ?”, “Your parents are worried for you.” “No they don't, they care more about alcohol and lottery tickets..” “I'm sorry John.”, “Why are you sorry servant.”, “I don't have to listen to this, I control my dreams and I control you, send him to the dungeon.” they don't care for me. Besides I think I deserve this time to myself I thought to myself, let's go somewhere tropical. The sunset consumed the side of the Caribbean sea as ocean breeze hit me. I was on a island. The view was amazing, especially the noises. the waves moved with a never ending motion, and the palm trees were swaying forward and backwards with a calm swish. It even smelled good.This truly was a paradise . I suddenly felt a huge amount of pain on my head and through my arms and legs, like needles piercing through my skin. the island was in a blurry mess. Disoriented in my own dream, I thought? The sun turned into a blood red and the ocean vaporised. The palm trees were engulfed in a inferno of fire. Then complete darkness. I screamed inside of my mind, “Am I DEAD?!!!,AM I

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