Barbara Walters Advantages

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Barbara Walters and Desirable Disadvantages Barbara Walters sits down in a yellow armchair across from Monica Lewinsky. She tucks one foot under the other, holding a set of notecards as she folds her hands on top of her black skirt. The date is March 3, 1999, and the nation still reels from the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal that occurred two years prior, and Monica Lewinsky has quickly become the nation’s most talked-about intern. After a several year long media storm, Walters’ interview has been the first that Lewinsky has agreed to be a part of, breaking her silence. Walters starts her interview with personal, thought-provoking questions, and manages to grow in levels of intensity. Her first question: “You have been described as a bimbo, a stalker, a seductress. Describe yourself” exemplifies the interview style that has become her …show more content…

While Walters worked hard to become successful, few can go far on this alone. As Gladwell stated, “[Success] is, rather, a gift. Outliers are those who have been given opportunities- and who have had the strength and presence of mind to seize them” (Gladwell, 267). The factor that really drove her to success was that she captured every opportunity that she had, and took advantage of every situation that she found herself in. And she had the fortunate ability to be in the right place at the right time. Barbara Walters sits on a plane in Cairo, Egypt with journalists John Chancellor and Walter Cronkite, along with the Egyptian president Anwar Sadat. They fly en route to Israel to meet up with Israeli prime minister Menachem Begin for a historic visit. Using her social savvy, Walters writes a question requesting an interview on a piece of paper and slips it to one of Sadat’s aids. Sadat sends the note back, agreeing to the

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