Reward Power Of Barack Obama

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Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States, is easily one of the most recognizable faces for most Americans right now. This is rightfully so as he has spent the better part of 6 years being the most powerful and influential person in the country, some would argue the world. President Obama 's life was not so full of glitz and glamour in the early parts of his life. He was born on Hawaii, the son of mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, and father, Barack Obama Sr. There marriage was not one that lasted long by any stretch of the imagination. The same month the President Obama was born his mother took him to live in Washington and he only ever saw his father again once in the rest of his life. Fast forward several years later to 1988 and after …show more content…

To expand on that I will start with Reward Power. During a politician 's career, be it a mayor, a senator, a governor, or any other elected official for that matter, that person will need the people on his side if he or she is ever going to come into power in the first place. One of the major ways that theses individuals come into power in the first place is to by campaigning across the city, state, or country (in President Obama 's case) and during these campaign numerous promises are made by the individual to the people he or she wishes to be elected by. These promises and the rewards that the people get if they put this individual into office. The Legitimate Power in this case comes from the obvious placement of the title that is placed on our President of the United States, they are the “Commander in Chief”. As the leader of our military and generally speaking the leader of our country our President has all the authority to hand out orders and these orders are not only expected to be followed just from a respect standpoint but are in most cases actually just the law. In my opinion this is probably one of the clearest and most accurate examples of Legitmate Powers that we have. The Expert Power type is honestly a little bit of a stretch but it stems not from the President himself but more from the people around him. The President is at all times surrounded by experts in their fields. Rarely is he put in a situation where is not prepped with the most up to date knowledge or whatever it is he is dealing with. Regardless of the crisis at hand there is a good chance that the first person that is made aware of what is going on is the President which in my opinion gives him the extension of the Expert Power type. Referent Power

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