Banquo's Prophecy In Macbeth '

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-Three witches make a prophecy “If Macbeth kills King Duncan, Macbeth will be crowned King and take the throne”
-At the beginning of the play, Macbeth is a brave and loyal servant to the King. After hearing a prophecy that he will become King himself, Macbeth is overwhelmed by greed. Believing and strengthened by the prophecy and through the encouragement of his wife than led to him killing King Duncan. What Macbeth doesnt know is what happens next

-Lady Macbeth poisons king duncan's guards
-Macbeth stabs king Duncan while Duncan is asleep
-Macbeth feels guilty for what he did and wishes he could go back
-Bloodstained hands of guilt and shame haunt lady Macbeth and macbeth
-Macbeth knows the consequences of this murder

-Banquo suspects

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