Bankruptcy Essay

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Bankruptcy is a court process. It is designed to help consumers and businesses eliminate debt or repay debts under the protection of the bankruptcy court. There are two categories of bankruptcy, "liquidation" or "reorganization": Liquidation bankruptcy involves a consumer or business asking the court to discharge the debts owed (some debts cannot be discharged). In exchange, the business's assets or the consumer's property is sold (liquidated) and the proceeds are used to pay off the creditors. Reorganization bankruptcy involves filing a plan with the bankruptcy court suggesting how you will repay your debt. Some debts must be repaid in full while others require only a percentage or nothing at all.
What is law of Bankruptcy? Law of Bankruptcy, also called "straight" bankruptcy, is a form of liquidation bankruptcy. If you have a great amount of debt compared to your income, it may be appropriate to file for law of bankruptcy. Law of Bankruptcy is most frequently used in the case of individuals. Under law of Bankruptcy, most, but not all, of your debts are discharged. As an individual, you will lose some of your property (nonexempt assets). The proceeds from the sale of these assets go to your creditors. Some property can be claimed as exempt when you file for law of bankruptcy. Federal law provides for which types of property can be exempt, and each state has its own list.

Are All of My Debts Discharged under law of bankruptcy? No, as stated above, not all of your debts are discharged under law of bankruptcy. In addition, certain types of debts must be paid off before others. Priority debts (those that must be repaid first) include taxes and the administrative expenses of bankruptcy. Often, the only debts that can be paid off are ...

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... not insured can also look for the shelter of the concept of bankruptcy. A number of property owners are most likely unaware that they must take out separate coverage for certain events such as earthquakes. Those who do not have coverage for this type of peril can face the loss of not only their homes but most or all of their possessions as well. jobs.
The Bottom Line
There are innumerable reasons as to why most of the taxpayers are forced-or choose-to declare bankruptcy. Hence most of the times, common sense, sound financial planning and preparation for the future can pave the path way to get this problem resolved before it becomes inevitable. Those who are contemplating this possibility should seek a credit counselor or financial planner before choosing this alternative.

Or be prepared to face the reality by Presenting your case to Bankruptcy Lawyers now!

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