Balancing Family Life

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Balancing your time when you are too busy is easier said than done. Sometimes you are so busy that you are just too exhausted to complete all of your responsibilities. Sometimes you are not too busy, but you want to take any extra time you have to relax instead of doing school work or other important things. Time flies by and sometimes you just have no clue where it went. If you can find ways to help save time and energy, it would make things a little bit easier. I like to use alarm clocks, calendars, and a schedule. These tools help me keep up with my daily responsibilities. To help me stay sane I have found some ways to save time and energy. The first step to balancing my studies with family life is my alarm clock. It helps me keep track of time and stay on time. My alarm clock wakes me up early in the morning around 7am to walk my dog and feed my dog. I then jump in the shower and get ready for work. I set my alarm clock for however long I want to take a shower so I know I will not use up too much time in there. Once I am ready for work I start making breakfast. My husband gets home around …show more content…

I use a schedule for every day chores. While dinner is cooking I pick up the house, do the laundry, then the dishes. I do these around the same time every day. I then finish dinner and set down to eat. My husband helps a lot with the house. If the trash is full he takes it out and he also picks stuff up around the house. That saves me a lot of time also. When dinner is over I spend some time with my husband and son until my husband starts getting ready for work. By then, around 9pm, It is my son's bedtime so I get him ready for bed and lay him down. I get my son to go to sleep before my husband goes to work because my son tends to listen to his daddy more. I also pick out mine and my sons outfits the night before, so I do not have to worry about that in the mornings. Sometimes it is the little things that add up and save you

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