Bad Driving Habits Affected My Family

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Bad driving habits have affected my family for many years. In 2010, my 18 year old cousin was involved in a rollover trailer accident. Through agony and grief we soon discovered he was at fault. While checking a text message he received, he drove onto the opposite lane where a 24-ton trailer approached. Since that fatal lose, my family and I, have pledged to never text and drive. While texting and driving is a leading factor in many accidents across the US, it is not the only one. Experience is a quality many young individuals, like myself, lack. Once we start driving for a couple of months we overestimate our abilities. By singing along to loud music or by eating a hot pocket on our way to school, we dismiss many small but prone to be fatal actions. I was driving home from work one night when I decided to stop at Taco Bell to grab a quick bite. As I was driving home, I had a taco in one hand and the steering wheel on the other all while singing along to one of my favorite songs. When the music stopped, I looked over at the car beside me and saw a young teenage boy. This small diversion nearly created an accident. My threatening actions and rash thinking put the lives of every person on that highway at risk. Soon after, I reevaluated every possible …show more content…

I intent on reminding myself of these simply steps every time I stepfoot in a car. First, I will prioritize myself ahead of time to prevent nonessential interruptions. This means, mapping out my route ahead of time to avert looking down at the GPS and adjusting all car controls beforehand. Occasionally, my eyes tend to wander off the road to check my arrival time or change the settings in the car. Arizona is a bipolar state; one minute it’s chilly and the next it is over 100 degrees. Preparing ahead of time, meaning changing the car controls to what you suits you best, is an important step towards distraction-free

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