Backing Up Crash Facts

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Many newer models of cars are now equipped with a backup camera. And many car crashes can be preventable with drivers taking the proper precautions and being aware of their surroundings when backing up.
According to, every year thousands of children are killed or seriously injured because a driver backing up did not see them. While kids may be the most common victims of these incidents, anyone can be injured and hurt due to someone’s negligence or recklessness while backing pup.
Backing Up Crash Facts
Everyone is aware that when we are behind the wheel that we have blindspots, or a blind zone. A blind zone is the area behind the vehicle that the driver cannot see when looking and using the rear and side mirrors. According …show more content…

Sadly, in over 70% of these incidents, it is the parent or close relative that is the driver behind the wheel. On average 232 fatalities and 13,000 injuries occur every year due to backovers, according to the Not-in-Traffic Surveillance study. The prime age of backover victims is one-year-old. As many parents know, at this age, toddlers have just started walking and are testing their limits and trying new things.
Safety Tips
One safety tip to prevent these incidents is to install a backup camera and other sensors. You don’t have to purchase a new vehicle to get these assets, a camera and/or sensors can be installed in any vehicle. However, you should also increase your awareness when your vehicle is in reverse. Some safety tips include:
• Walk behind and around the vehicle before entering it and moving …show more content…

However, they don’t help in every situation.
An IIHS study shows that the camera help prevent more backover crashes involving pedestrians. In the original study the IIHS measured the visibility of children to an average size male driver, and the degree to which the technology (camera and sensors) improved visibility and detection. It found that without the added technology, large SUVs were found to have the worst rear visibility, and small cars had the best. So beware, the large your vehicle, the less visibility you have.
The study also found, that backup camera reduced the blond zone by about 90 percent on average. Parking sensors also reduced blind zones, but not as much.
The second study used volunteer drivers. It found that drivers who had both a camera and sensors, actually had less of a benefit than those with a camera alone. In fact, three-quarters of these drivers hit the stationary object behind them. It begs whether the sensors gave the driver a false sense of security, and had them pay less attention to the camera, while the sensors only detects objects up to 8 feet behind the

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