Axolotl Research Paper

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Have you ever heard of an axolotl? No? Axolotls are commonly know as Mexican walking fish but in fact they are not fish at all. Axolotls are a salamander and are a part of the amphibian family just like frogs and toads. This is why they need special care when it comes to life in captivity. Axolotls cannot be cared for like a fish are as they are more sensitive to water levels, lights, heat, chemicals, and water flow. This is why they need specialized housing and knowledge in order to be healthy and happy. Axolotls are an amazing animal for many reasons, one of which is their ability to re-grow limbs and vital organs. This does not mean that they are invincible because in my experience they are quite delicate and need to be treated accordingly. …show more content…

As axolotls can grow up to 30 cm or bigger they do need a lot of room, over population of a tank will cause cannibalism and stress to the axolotls. They will need no less than 37 liters and 10 gallons of water per axolotl. Different tanks hold different amounts of water per foot, so when picking a tank make sure it has enough room for your axolotls. Filtration is important to keep clean and keep control over the water levels. As axolotls are sensitive to their water conditions, it is best to have a filter and do weekly 20 percent water changes. A small water filter with a small water flow rate will be perfect for one or two axolotls. Lighting is something unneeded for axolotls as they prefer low lighted areas. Temperature anywhere from 10 degrees Celsius to 23 degrees celsius at a maximum of 24 degrees celsius. Feeding axolotls the right food is very important. Earth worms are the best food for axolotls as they are the most nutritional food source for axolotls and they should be organic and not sourced from the

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