Avian Flu Essay

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When most people hear the word “flu” they tend to think there is only one strain and that they affect everyone the same. However; there are multiple strain of the flu, one strain being HN51 flu. The HN51 flu, which is also known as a specific strain of the bird flu which was discovered in 1996. The H stands for Hemagglutinin and the N stands for Neuraminidase. There are eighteen different types of Hemagglutinin subgroups and eleven different type of the Neuraminidase subgroup. The first strain of this type of flu that emerged was identified in geese, in southern China. These geese, which carry this disease usually do not get sick themselves that is why they call these birds “reservoirs.” A reservoir is a carrier of a virus. The virus does not affect them they just carry it from one place to the infection site. The Avian flu does not usually infect humans; however some strains such as the A (H5N1) and A (H7N9) have cause severe cases in some people. Occasionally, a person infected with avian flu has passed it on to someone else. There is a wide range of unresolved questions regarding this disease since it first emerged.
The Avian influenza is divided into groups based on their ability to cause disease in poultry; high pathogenicity and low pathogenicity. Pathogenicity meaning how serious the virus is, and how easily it can affect an animal. The high pathogenicity results in high death rates and the low results in low death rates. The HN51 has had a big impact on producers and on certain backyard producers. The flu has cause large market shocks, which were largely driven by misplaced public fears that regarded the safety of the poultry products. The media helped fuel these concerns and it led to market falls in sales and prices f...

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...man body. It is very rare of the H5N1 flu strain to spread through the human population but it is not unknown. It is hard to detect this virus within poultry, you just have to watch for symptoms. If your poultry develops the symptoms of the H5N1 flu it is best to start treatment of the entire flock of birds. Detecting the virus in an animal after it has already been processed is hard to do as well. In order to avoid contracting the disease it is best to make sure the meat is cooked all the way through and to avoid contaminating cutting boards and knives. The United States have put bans on specific countries poultry importing. This way it limits the spread of disease from country to country. The symptoms of the bird flu in poultry are sudden death within a flow for no apparent reason. Another symptoms is unlikely neck posture and abnormal egg laying within the hens.

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