Automatic Car Essay

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In the twenty-first century the automatic has become widely available leaving the need to operate a manual car unessential. The automatic is the prominent car type due to the fact it is much simpler to engage. Before the automatic car was ever fabricated, there were only manual cars available. Many people will never get the chance to learn to drive a stick shift in their lives. Therefore in order to better understand a manual car and how it works you must first fathom the importance of how to drive it, how it works, and the three key concepts: energy, work, and torque. In order to learn to drive a manual car it takes a lot of practice due to the simple fat there is much more to it then an automatic. The difference between the two types of cars is that the automatic does all the work for you but in a manual you have to do it yourself. Some parts of a manual car are the clutch (either 4, 5, or 6 speed), flywheel, and the stick. Some other parts that both cars have such as the transmission, petals, pistons, and crankshaft make up both automobiles. Conductive to driving a stick shift you must first turn the car on. To do this you need to push the clutch all the way in and put the key in the transmission. Once the car is started you must release your emergency brake. Meanwhile making sure not to release the clutch or you will stall. In this case you must turn off car and restart it making sure it is in first whenever you are starting off. When taking off in a manual you must give it enough gas and slowly ease up off the clutch until the car starts to pull. Give the car more gas to accelerate to the desired speed. Watch the RPM’s so that when it gets to about three you let off the gas completely. You must release the gas slowly and ... ... middle of paper ... ...opular in our generation. The four speeds have seemed to decrease in popularity since they aren’t as fast or efficient as the five, let alone the six speed. Many people think that driving a stick shift is a lot more fun and entertaining because you are constantly doing something. All your attention is on the road so you know when to shift and are aware of what you car needs to do. When driving a stick shift you are switching all the gears manually. Meaning you are doing all the work for your car, this actually saves gas. Whereas, driving an automatic the car is shifting all the gears for you, this in turn uses more gas is you car. All different types of cars can be a manual but the six speed manuals are the most complex. The knowledge of how to operate manual cars has died down. Before the automatic cars were ever invented back in the early 1900’s, there were only

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