Author Biography

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Author Biography The author of Flowers for Algernon was Daniel Keyes. He got the idea for the book while he was teaching slow learning high school students. Daniel Keyes was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. Keyes graduated from a public high school and worked briefly as a ship's purser for the U.S. Maritime Service before applying to Brooklyn College, where he studied psychology. He graduated in 1950 and attempted to make it in many different fields such as magazine editing and fashion photography before he finally settled down and became a high school English teacher. He taught book high-school and college level classes all while receiving his master’s degree. While he was getting his teaching career up and running, Keyes made an attempt at writing. “In 1959, he published a short story called Flowers for Algernon which would forever change his life,” (Ohio Reading Road Trip). The next to be published was Algernon, which was based on his early experience of teaching. “It was comprised of a series of journal entries from a mentally challenged man named Charlie Gordon who has...

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