Atticus Qualities In To Kill A Mockingbird

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In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, the characterization of Atticus has three very honorable aspects including his good parenting, his morals, and his job as a lawyer. As Atticus’s children grow up, he teaches integrity, he explains the trouble in society, and teaches against rude behavior. Atticus also lives by morals we all should live by like loving everyone, being able to understand other people, and to not be a hypocrite. As a lawyer, Atticus is very shrewd and experienced, he displays his beliefs through his work, and goes out of the way to be comforting.
Atticus displays very good parenting skills as his two children, Jem and Scout, grow up. He teaches them integrity, “ If I didn’t (defend Tom Robinson in court) I couldn’t …show more content…

Before the trial begins, Scout asks Atticus: “ You aren’t really a nigger-lover, then, are you (124)?” Atticus replies with a very strong message, “ I certainly am. I do my best to love everybody…(124).” Although Atticus is going against what everyone believes in that time by defending a black man, he still doesn’t change his love. Another moral we learn from Atticus is to not be a hypocrite. While Scout and Miss Maudie are having a conversation one day, Miss Maudie comments: “ Atticus Finch is the same in the house as he is on public streets(51).” Miss Maudie’s comment was very powerful because she says Atticus is the same all the time and he “walks the talk he is talking. When Jem has to repay Mrs. Dubose for destroying her camellia bush, Atticus makes Jem go and read to her every afternoon. Atticus shows Jem and Scout through all of the reading that you have to look at what other people are going through before you make a form an opinion of someone. Atticus explained to Jem: “ Mrs. Dubose was a morphine addict (127)” and told Jem that it was good for him to go read to her because it showed Jem and Scout the way people act when they are going through tough …show more content…

As a Christian, Atticus displays his beliefs through his work as a lawyer. While talking to Scout one day, Atticus tells her:“ Scout, I couldn’t go to church and worship God if I didn’t try to help that man(120).” Atticus’s comment goes along with him not being a hypocrite and he tries to be the best Christian he can be and does just that in his work. When Atticus does his best in defending Tom in the trial and things don’t go right, he still tries to be comforting to Tom’s wife, Helen. Atticus asks Calpurnia, their black house maid,: “...I want you to go with me out to Helen’s house...Tom’s dead(268)”. Atticus goes and brings Helen the news even when it’s not his job but wants to be comforting to her family. That trait also goes back to putting yourself in other people’s shoes. As a lawyer, Atticus is very shrewd and experienced in his work. As he is defending Tom in the trial,in which a young woman accused Tom of raping, beating, and cursing her, Atticus asked the witness, the young woman’s father, “Will you write your name and show us(201).” Atticus was showing the jury that the way the young woman was beaten would have to be a left handed person and that The father of the young woman was left handed. That is one instance in which Atticus shows his experience and

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