Atticus Finch Loyalty

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Atticus Finch is the perfect teacher of respect and dignity to his children. Atticus teaches Scout to have respect for others, even those who she does not like. Towards the beginning of the novel, Scout goes to school and has a new teacher who tells her she should not read at home. Miss Caroline Fisher, Scout’s teacher, is starting to teach in a new way. Scout does not like her because of this. When she goes home and tells Atticus, he says, "You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view… until you climb into his skin and walk around in it." ( pg 39 ) Atticus says this to teach Scout to have respect for other people, even if they are different. If Scout could understand how others felt she would be able …show more content…

When Scout asks him why he is defending a negro even though everyone thinks he should not, Atticus says, “If I didn’t I couldn’t hold my head up in town, I couldn’t represent this county in the legislature, I couldn’t even tell you and Jem not to do something again.” (pg 100) Atticus would be ashamed if he did not take this case. He believes in equal rights, and knows that if he does not take the case Tom Robinson will probably spend his life in prison or worse. Atticus would no longer respect himself if he did not stand up for the truth and equal rights. If he did not take this case Atticus would be teaching Jem and Scout that it is ok to discriminate and not look for the truth. Instead, by taking the case, Atticus teaches his children to have dignity. Another example of how Atticus teaches his children dignity and respect is when Mrs.Dubose tells Jem and Scout Atticus is “lawing for niggers and trash.” Jem is offended by this and comes back to her house and destroys her garden. After this incident Atticus makes Jem read to Mrs.Dubose for a month. When they walk by the house Atticus says, “She’s an old lady and she’s ill. You just hold your head high and be a gentleman. Whatever she says to you, it’s her job not to let her make you mad.” ( pg 133 ) In this example Atticus is teaching Jem to have dignity and not let others make him mad. He should act with respect and dignity,

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