Atticus Finch Character Analysis Essay On To Kill A Mockingbird

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Atticus a boring old man that has uninteresting traits. He doesn't hunt, he doesn't fish, he doesn't do anything. All Atticus does is work in an office and is blind in his left eye and wears glasses. The average boring that daughter Scout believes him to be. In the story To Kill a Mockingbird by Lee Harper, Afficus daughter Scout believed he was a very boring man. She believed this because she couldn’t go to school and brag about the things she and Jem did with there Dad but, she couldn't do that. The main reasoning being for this was because Atticus was An older father. He explained to pam and Jem that he just started late with having a family. In the a section of the story I read Scout explains how everyone can brag but she can’t. This shows that she cares deeply about Being able to tell people how proud she was of her dad and doing things with them but she didn't have that opportunity. In the passage she states He did not do the things our schoolmates’ fathers did; he never went hunting, he did not play …show more content…

She just thought of him as just a regular old dad that doesn't do much fun things. “Our father didn’t do anything. He worked in an office, not in a drugstore. Atticus did not drive a dump-truck for the county, he was not the sheriff, he did not farm, work in a garage, or do anything that could possibly arouse the admiration of anyone.”(Paragraph 2) In this section she really describes how she feels about him not being like the other parents of her fellow classmates. She felt as if her father was younger and more cool he would be at a braggable rate like the rest of the children's parents. “ Atticus was never too tired to play keep-away, but when Jem wanted to tackle him Atticus would say, ‘I’m too old for that, son.’” These sentences hint out that is the way she felt because she felt necessary to add the part of him saying he was too old for football

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