Atticus Finch Actions

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Atticus Finch’s actions show that he always puts others before himself. During Ms. Maudie’s house fire, Scout, Jem, and Atticus go outside and see the fire burning her house. Atticus hurriedly speaks to Jem, “Not yet son. Do as I tell you. Run now. Take care of your Scout, you hear? Don’t let her out of your sight” (78). Atticus could have run away from the fire in fear for his life, leaving Scout and Jem to figure things out themselves; however, he protected Jem and Scout from the fire. He then went to help Ms. Maudie, risking his life for her. He put everyone before him, making sure they were safe before he would save himself. Likewise, a bit later in the book, Atticus goes to the local jail where Tom Robinson is staying. A few hostile men …show more content…

Towards the end of the trail in To Kill a Mockingbird, Atticus delivers his closing statements. Atticus pronounces, “The defendant is not guilty, but someone in this room is” (231). Based on Atticus protecting Tom even though the town was against it, you can infer that he puts Tom before himself and his own reputation. Because of this, Atticus values others before himself, no matter who they are and will always do this because it is in him to be a hero. Another example to further explain the point occurs directly after the big fight scene in the novel. Atticus and Heck Tate are discussing about what to do with Boo and what to tell the town about what happened. Atticus attempts to explain to Scout, “‘ Scout,’ he said, ‘Mr. Ewell fell on his knife. Can you possibly understand that?’” (317). Atticus could have told the truth to Scout and therefore putting Boo in the limelight; however, Atticus lied, knowingly putting his reputation on the line and possibly even his whole career. He made this decision to help Boo because he knew that if he told the truth, Boo would get attention, which, as said by Scout, is like killing a mockingbird. Atticus puts his reputation on the line to protect Boo, making him selfless and valued to people all through the world. All in all, Atticus Finch’s words show that he values others before himself, making him a hero in the eyes of

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