Atticus Finch Courage Outline

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Introduction Thesis: To have courage, takes a lot of effort, but in the long run it pays off. Body A. Scout does not like her teacher and helped protect Atticus Had her conduct been more friendly to me, I would have felt sorry for her” pg 22. 1.She doesn’t like her school or her teacher 2. She gets made fun of by other students b. “I began to feel sweat gathering at the edges of my hair; I could stand anything but a bunch of people looking at me” pg. 154. 1. She goes to Atticus and talks with the mob 2.It is very hard to speak up in front of strangers...strangers who look scary// B. Atticus took the case and protected Tom “All around us and in the balcony on the opposite wall, the Negroes were getting to their feet” …show more content…

Scout showed courage by going to school, even though she did not like it, and Atticus showed courage by taking Tom’s case instead of simply passing it on down the line. To have courage (In) takes a lot of effort, but in the long run it pays off. Even though courage may be tough, sometimes it is the right thing to do. Even though Scout Finch is very young, she is only in Kindergarten (A), she still shows instances of courage. Anyone of any age can have courage, as long as they have the will to go with it. The first example of Scout showing courage was when she first started going to school. “Had her kindness been more friendly to me, I would have felt sorry for her” (Lee 22). Scout did not like her teacher, Miss Caroline Fisher (I), her teaching, or being made fun of by others because her father was standing up for an African American. With the help of a little bit of encouragement from Atticus and Jem, she built up the courage to continue going to school. The biggest time Scout displayed courage was when she was at the jail. “I began to feel sweat gathering at the edges of my hair; I could stand anything but a bunch of people looking at me” (Lee 154). While Atticus was at the jail guarding Tom, a bunch of men got out and threatened him. Standing in front of everyone (Part), next to (I) her father, Scout began talking. Her talking to Mr. Cunningham made him and the rest …show more content…

First of all, he decided to take Tom’s case even though he knew many people would despise him, for defending a black man. “All around us and in the balcony on the opposite wall, the Negroes were getting to their feet” (Lee 211). Atticus used all the courage he had to fight for Tom. Even though Atticus lost the case, and Tom was found guilty, the African Americans that were at the courthouse were very grateful for his willingness to try as hard as he could, despite the circumstances. They stood up in respect as a way to thank him. As mentioned earlier, Atticus went to the jail to help guard Tom (In) against a lynch mob. “You know what we want,’ another man said.’ Get aside from the door, Mr.Finch” (Lee 151). Even though Atticus knew it would be risky, he went right in front of (Prep) the jail to guard the door. These men could have easily hurt him if they wanted. Using his courage (Part), Atticus did not fight back against the mob or at Mr. Ewell when he confronted him and spat on him. Only certain people have the level of courage as Atticus does. Scout and Jem are lucky to have Atticus as their

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