Attachment Theory In Adolescence

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Attachment in Adolescence: Predictor of Romantic Relationships Behaviors
There has been much research on Attachment Theory and how it can affect the development of individuals from early childhood to adulthood. John Bowlby stated that after we are born, we look toward a caregiver as our attachment figure who shows us to act during times of stress and difficulty, however not everyone is able to have an ideal attachment figure and thus humans develop differently and have different attachment styles. More specifically, how does attachment style from early childhood affect individuals in their romantic relationships as they go into adolescence, especially those who are anxious or avoidant. An analysis of attachment styles predicts relationship behavior in adolescence.
Caregivers reaction to individuals need in early childhood sets …show more content…

(2010). The relation of insecure attachment states of mind and romantic attachment styles to adolescent aggression in romantic relationships. Attachment & Human Development, 12(5), 463-481. doi:10.1080/14616734.2010.501971
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Tan, J. S., Hessel, E. T., Loeb, E. L., Schad, M. M., Allen, J. P., & Chango, J. M. (2016). Long-Term Predictions From Early Adolescent Attachment State of Mind to Romantic Relationship Behaviors. Journal Of Research On Adolescence (Wiley-Blackwell), 26(4), 1022-1035. doi:10.1111/jora.12256
Tarabulsy, G. M., Larose, S., Bernier, A., Trottier-Sylvain, K., Girard, D., Vargas, M., & Noël, C. (2012). Attachment states of mind in late adolescence and the quality and course of romantic relationships in adulthood. Attachment & Human Development, 14(6), 621-643.

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