Athenian Synthesis Essay

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Following the Athenians defense against the Persian army, the Athenians began to form an empire. Empires normally consist of a single emperor with supreme rule, power over a vast area, and they consist of diverse groups of culture. However, the Athenian Empire believed that they were a Democratic society where all people were equal, but in reality, their actions showed that not all people were treated equally and some people had more power than others. Thus, breaking the claims of a Democratic society. The Athenians claimed to have values proving that they were a Democracy and that they were ruled by all citizens, who had equal power. Pericles, one of Athenians most valued citizens, stated, "It is true that we are called a Democracy, for the …show more content…

For example, in the Persian Wars, Pericles stood up among all citizens and led them into battle. Citizens gave him power and allowed him to gain control. Furthermore, when Athens conquered any territory, the owners of that land would become subject to Athenian Citizens, further showing that some citizens boasted more power than others. In the Melian Dialogue it states, "At the moment we shall prove that we have come in the interest of our empire and that in what we shall say we are seeking that safety of your state; for we wish you to become our subjects with the least trouble to ourselves" (27). In this quote, the Athenian army is trying to convince the Melians to surrender and become subjects within their empire. However, if all people are considered equal, then the Athenians are going against their beliefs. Furthermore, there were multiple restrictions on becoming a citizen. A citizen must be a free male eighteen years or older, owner of land, and his parents must be citizens as well. This showed that citizens were considered above all other settlers in Athens. Although the Athenians claimed to contain a Democratic society where all people are equal, throughout their empire, people gradually gained power as more regions were

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