Athenian Government Essay

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Ancient Athenian government had an impact on our history. It strived for a fair and equal government run by the citizens of Athens. This form of democratic government laid the foundation for many democratic governments that followed. The Golden age of Athens was an important time in history. Athenian government was made up of different people. An Archon was the chief ruler or lord. The Archons were chosen by the Areopagus, a council of former rulers and respected individuals. The councils jobs consisted of daily tasks, crime issues, and taking care of widows and orphans. Athenian government was under the rule of Pericles for fifteen years. He led Athens along with an assembly of individuals that made up thousands of men. Members could speak …show more content…

Athenians believed that justice should be served in court trials. Verdicts were determined by large numbers of citizens. Private cases called for 501 citizens, one or more officials involved a jury of 1001, and the more serious cases had juries of up to 1501 citizens. Trials were finished in one day decided by a secret ballot and no appeals were granted. Talbot 2 Modern American Governement consists of a Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branch. The executive branch of government carries out and enforces laws. The President is the head of the executive branch. He is assisted by the Vice President, department heads, and heads of independent agencies. The current head official is President Donald Trump. The Legislative branch is composed of the House and Senate. The legislative branch makes all laws, declares war, regulates interstate and foreign commerce and controls taxing and spending policies. The current leaders in Congress are the Republican Majority Leader, Kevin McCarthy and Democratic Minority Leader, Nancy Pelosi. The third branch of governement is the Judicial branch and it includes the federal courts and the organizations that support them. This branch …show more content…

The U.S. constitution also denied representation to women and slaves. It took 150 years for the United States to change this issue. Our founding fathers were inspired by the democratic institutions of ancient Athens. Ancient Athens was a direct democracy in which every citizen could vote on every decision of government and officials were chosen randomly. The U.S. citizens elect officials to represent them and the representatives do the majority of lawmaking and governing. The U.S. Congress takes the role that the Assembly and Council of 500 did in Ancient Athens, proposing and voting on legislation in a similar way, but it’s made up of a much smaller body of elected representatives than the Assembly. Ancient Athenian trials were performed in a day by randomly selected jurors between 200 and 6,000 citizens. Cases were run by rulers who were also chosen by lot and had no formal training with no power to Talbot 3 make decisions. The U.S. courts are consists of much smaller juries and the judges have more power. However, the general view of a fair trial was the same for Athenian and American democracy. The Ancient Athenian government had a tremendous impact on democracies across

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