Assignment One: Soft Tissue Therapy

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Assignment One: Patient Resource That aching pain you feel in the shoulder could actually be coming from your head or neck. The reason this type of pain can occur is because some muscles originate in your head or neck and continue downward attaching around the shoulder region (Fernández-de-las-peñas et al, 2010). Many people that experience this type of pain will limit or cease certain movements to prevent further pain. Tasks as simple as backing out of your driveway, combing your hair or brushing your teeth can be difficult to complete. When muscles are involved in chronic pain, a myofascial component is highly prevalent, often developing after an injury to muscle fibres caused by a single traumatic event or repetitive micro trauma (Josepha …show more content…

This means you are entitled to be treated with respect and quality service. This form outlines your rights, how to make a complaint and who to talk to should you think your rights have been breached. Please ask your therapist if you would like a copy of this information resource (

How does the biopsychosocial plan work with soft tissue therapy? Under a biopsychosocial plan of healthcare attention is given to many influences such as overuse, misuse or trauma (biomechanical), nutritional imbalance, inflammation or hormonal factors (biochemical) and stress, anxiety or depression (psychosocial) (NZ College of Massage, 2016). There is no suggestion that soft tissue therapy can treat the other influences mentioned, and where applicable, a referral to an appropriate healthcare provider will be arranged. Your therapist will work with other health practitioners which could include your specialist, physiotherapist, occupational therapist and/or your doctor which will help implement a treatment plan with the intention to improve or help manage your pain. You also have a major role to play as well and will be encouraged to actively become involved (as well as other family members if needed) to help with your individual care plan (Farin, Gramm & Schmidt, 2013). It is a team effort and it is important you are included …show more content…

This means only you know what you are feeling. Your experience can have many other influences involved such as, how you feel about being in this situation and what your family or work mates think. It might also involve what your beliefs about pain mean to you or how your health might affect your family financially. Discussing these influences can help dramatically change your pain experience (Moriatry, 2016). Your input is important and other activities like taking medication on time, writing a movement diary or keeping appointments are all part of being an active participant in your treatment plan. Personal involvement in your health plan can make the difference in achieving a successful

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