Asian Paints Place (Marketing Mix)

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Elements of Asian Paint’s Distribution Strategy

Asian Paint bypassed the bulk buyer segment and went to individual consumers of paints. AP went slow on urban areas and concentrated on semi-urban and rural areas. AP went retail. AP went in for an open-door dealer policy. AP voted for nationwide marketing / distribution AP BYPASS THE BULK BUYER SEGMENT AND GOES TO INDIVIDUAL CONSUMERS Bulk buyer segment was the major segment of the paint business in the earlier days and any paint company needed a share of this major segment for sheer survival. Though, this segment was dominated totally by foreign companies and their wholesale distributors, a new entrant to the business like AP would normally have rushed to this segment and tried to garner a share of it. AP, however, had a totally different game plan. Seeing that this segment was not a growth segment, though it was certainly the major segment at that point of time, AP decided to ignore this segment for the present and go to individual consumers. And that was a crucial decision. It influenced every subsequent decision AP took in the realm of distribution. Over time, AP proved to the paint industry that there existed a large and bottomless segment in the paint business of India, outside the bulk buyer segment, comprising of individual consumers. AP went slow on urban areas and concentrated on semi-urban and rural areas. Along with the decision to go to individual consumer segment leaving aside the bulk buyer segment, AP also decided that within the individual consumer segment, semi-urban and rural areas would constitute AP’s priority market.APclearly saw that a large market for paints was emerging in the semi-urban and rural areas, and felt it wise to tap this market. AP found it difficult to attract the wholesalers in the cities to deal in its products. It had to necessarily turn to the semi-urban and rural areas for support. AP wisely decided against committing all its resources on a head on collision by launching its own Sales Force who will to the ground level . AP GOES RETAIL Going directly to retail dealers was the next major strategic decision of AP in the realm of marketing and distribution.

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