Articles Of Confederation Dbq

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The Articles of Confederation’s were written for a purpose, in the first place. This was done in hopes these articles would help guide and resolve problems that existed under the British rule. These articles were needed because the people were becoming increasingly disgruntled with the British government. The Revolutionary war had been fought because of anger and outrage for the British government. Thus, the Articles of Confederation were presented as a solution (Wilson, DiIulio, Jr. and Bose). Once the Articles were completed and placed into effect in 1781, it became apparent that the articles did not offer stability for the thirteen colonies and their people. The Articles of Confederation did not hold up for a strong solution in keeping a steady alliance or order between these states. The colonies continued to wage wars of independence against each other and the government, during the eleven years between the Declaration of Independence in 1776 and the signing of the Constitution, in 1787. During that time the colonies and states would try to claim any unsettled land, in the western region, by using their guns to get what they wanted. This was done as their way of problem solving, and taking the law, or lack thereof, into their own hands (Wilson, DiIulio, Jr. and Bose). …show more content…

The Framers, as they became known as, had wanted to maintain a balance between the states power, and the government’s power and keep the rights of the people on the forefront. The founding fathers wanted to frame the new document to keep the liberties and protect all citizens in the colonies, as well (Wilson, DiIulio, Jr. and Bose). The protection of their rights and property, was at the forefront of their mind while balancing the power of the government at the state and federal level and what role each entity would play in the lives of the

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