Arthur Mervyn

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Charles Brockden Brown's novel, Arthur Mervyn, has been read by people across America from the late eighteenth century up until today. Brown targeted many audiences in this novel but there is one in particular that not only had an impact on people then, but can still captivate many in today's society. That specific group involves people who are fighting an incurable illness, such as the Yellow Fever, as described in the book. Although it was written in the late 1700's, people in the twenty-first century can still relate to the characters in the book, and understand what they were feeling at that time. The goal of this paper is to show that Brown's main intended audience was towards the incurably sick and that even over two hundred years later, our society is still being faced with some of the same problems.

In the summer and fall months of 1793, an epidemic was sweeping the city of Philadelphia. The Yellow Fever sent a wave of panic through the city, as "magistrates and citizens [fled] to the country" in order to try and escape the disease (129). The people at this time didn't know how the disease had come about or how it was being spread. Their only thought was to get as far away from it as possible. "Every farm house was filled with supernumerary tenants; fugitives from home and haunting the skirts of the road, eager to detain every passenger with inquiries after the news...some were on foot...few had secured to themselves an asylum" (138). The people at this time didn't know that the disease would also spread to the country, taking over four thousand lives over the course of just a few short months.

Physicians at this time had no idea what was the cause of the epidemic. Today, it is known that the cause was ...

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...iladelphia and the surrounding country. Although over four thousand people died over those months, there were many, such as the character of Arthur Mervyn, that were nursed back to health from caring citizens. These survivors may have read Brown's novel and been appreciative for the compassion he showed towards those that became ill from the fever. Today, someone with Hepatitis or AIDS can read this novel and understand what it is like to be plagued with a disease that they can't do anything about. Charles Brockden Brown was alive during the Yellow Fever epidemic and he wanted to leave a lasting impression not just on the people who lived then, but also those that were to come in the future, in case an outbreak like this was to occur again. Brown did a superb job in this novel of portraying the way that the sick felt and what they had to go through that year.

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